A Love For Puzzles

A Love For Puzzles

Despite being the youngest of the ‘Escape Artists’, Chiffon has an aura of peace and wisdom about him. He seems to prefer sitting high up in the hanging swings designed and installed by Chimfunshi volunteers. He always seems happy to watch other go about...
Milla’s Gaze

Milla’s Gaze

Despite our meager attempts to enrich their time in the 100 square meter two-story rebar cage, one still knew that these four chimpanzees’ circumstances were not sustainable. At each end of the cage are two concrete block houses with barred windows and iron doors. The...
Meeting Jane, Meeting Milla 

Meeting Jane, Meeting Milla 

My first step from the warm sand on the beach at Kigoma was into an insanely crowded water taxi – not exactly an aquatic Uber — a 16-foot glorified wooden rowboat. I squeezed through women and kids, huge pots and color sacks of rice, sugar and tea; I carried cameras,...
Who Will Take Care of Me When I’m Old

Who Will Take Care of Me When I’m Old

Viewed from across social media, it would be easy to think chimp sanctuaries are a bunch of super cute rescued baby chimps, all perfectly sized to be cuddled and bottle fed, but the reality is far different. At Chimfunshi there is a wide mix of young and old, and even...
Chimfunshi Could Be That Home

Chimfunshi Could Be That Home

It is estimated there are between 250 and 350 chimpanzees in need of rescue. But if we could, where would they find home? Most have long since lost any connection to their wild forest of origin or they are the next generations who never knew a forest. These rescues...

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